2012 was certainly a year of ups and downs for me, but I am looking forward and I am determined to make 2013 my best year yet. Although 2013 may present some challenges for us all especially to due to the fiscal cliff, there is always an opportunity for those who are focused, work smart, and continue to build relationships.
I think it is effective to reflect upon what we have accomplished in the past year to find out what we could do better going forward. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, whether it would be personal or work life. As for myself, I am looking at making a New Years resolution to be more outgoing and have a more confident approach in whatever I do in the new year.
Here are some considerations to make 2013 better than 2012:
We should also look forward in how we will manage business strategy. We saw that end consumers are starting to get concerned with what is down the pike with lower than expected retail sales this past holiday season. Therefore, we need to focus on answering the following question in an effective manner: why would I do business with you versus all of my competitors? Sure, any business can compete on price, but price is not everything even though you need to ensure that you compete effectively in your marketplace. You need to evaluate changes in the environment of your marketplace to ensure that your overall value offering is still relevant in the marketplace.
Finally, we should refocus ourselves to work together with all those who are around us. We should embrace the strengths and weaknesses of those around us and not "write off" those who are introverts. If you give introverts a chance at a job requiring a lot of analytical and reasoning skills, it will pay off in the long run as they will be more likely to have a good amount of personal growth and they will be quite loyal. After all these are people that will help you think deeply, strategize, solve complex problems, and spot "canaries" in your coal mine. Remember that having a proactive workforce may be better led by an introverted leader than an extroverted one. After all, they would be more likely able to strategize in how their subordinates can work better together. It would be a much better world if we had a better balance between people who act and people who contemplate.
I think it is effective to reflect upon what we have accomplished in the past year to find out what we could do better going forward. We all have our strengths and weaknesses, whether it would be personal or work life. As for myself, I am looking at making a New Years resolution to be more outgoing and have a more confident approach in whatever I do in the new year.
Here are some considerations to make 2013 better than 2012:
We should also look forward in how we will manage business strategy. We saw that end consumers are starting to get concerned with what is down the pike with lower than expected retail sales this past holiday season. Therefore, we need to focus on answering the following question in an effective manner: why would I do business with you versus all of my competitors? Sure, any business can compete on price, but price is not everything even though you need to ensure that you compete effectively in your marketplace. You need to evaluate changes in the environment of your marketplace to ensure that your overall value offering is still relevant in the marketplace.
Finally, we should refocus ourselves to work together with all those who are around us. We should embrace the strengths and weaknesses of those around us and not "write off" those who are introverts. If you give introverts a chance at a job requiring a lot of analytical and reasoning skills, it will pay off in the long run as they will be more likely to have a good amount of personal growth and they will be quite loyal. After all these are people that will help you think deeply, strategize, solve complex problems, and spot "canaries" in your coal mine. Remember that having a proactive workforce may be better led by an introverted leader than an extroverted one. After all, they would be more likely able to strategize in how their subordinates can work better together. It would be a much better world if we had a better balance between people who act and people who contemplate.